Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sooo sleepy

Ok - I don't think I could be more tired. Ok, ok, I know I could but right now I'm damn near exhausted. Stressed for sure as the more I try to do here the more road blocks I run up against. Also, I feel like every day I get an email asking me for a major project -- 3 year plan, departmental assessment document, job description for staff etc etc etc. I'm not sure when I'm going to do any of this and unlike most of the other folks on the east coast, I'm actually hoping for another snow day -- I actually got work done on the day Salve closed early and I could go home and sit on the couch with kitties. Maybe the constant phone ringing, dance studio noise and meetings are cutting into my powers of concentration -- in fact I think they are actually krytonite to those particular powers.

Don't really want to complain -- I've got a super job and I love it. But when you have five meetings just to get online ticketing approved I feel like my time is seriously being wasted. Especially with the spector of the 3 year plan, departmental assessment and staff job descriptions hanging over me. Time for me to figure out how to budget my time a bit better (I know, I know -- should I really be blogging right now?) but sometimes I need to go to the gym, and see a movie and watch Chelsea Lately. Those are the things that keep me (somewhat) sane.

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